Thursday, July 24, 2008

My choices

1. Catherine
2. A.
3. Petra
4. Grumpus
5. Debbie
6. Caroline
7. Petra
8. Grumpus
9. Claire
10. Chica
11. Debbie
12. Chica
13. Sheila
14. Catherine
15. Claire


  1. Maybe.

    I still think you would have been a good Princess Diana. But I am going with real time, and you were too young, I think.

  2. well, we also had a late submission... you get the fact but not the person...

    The boys in middle school used to tease me and call me "peanut butter legs" You know, soft and smooth and easy to spread. (they were not of course, just silly teenage boys).

  3. Sounds like Canucklehead :)

    But they have to be female, right?

  4. yeah, it was a female which gave me that one... but I do like your answer.

  5. This is mean. I choose Ettarose. But she would have kicked those boys' ass.

    Only because Ettarose wasn't on the list of names and she should have been. I am definitely not saying that hint reminded me of her. It didn't

  6. Hmmm, too easy... what about this one...

    I used to beat the crap out of all the boys in the neighborhood. Their Moms used to cringe when they saw me coming.

  7. OK, well I am going to make an executive decision on this one. Max gets 3 chances to get the facts right. Each guess I will tell him how many he got right, but not which ones.

    Out of his first round of choices he got 6 right.

    Ladies - we also need to decide what he forfeits - if on his final answer he gets less than 5 right, I think we get control of his blog.

    But what happens if its between 5-10, or 10-14?

  8. ONly 6 right??? That's pretty pathetic.

    I think you should tell me the one's I got right. You are making it to hard.

    And if you take over the blog, you will have to drop cards. Don't forget that.

  9. Trust me, I personally don't want to take over this blog, I have enough trouble keeping my own going.
    But, I don't want to offer any hints, however, if anyone else wants to help Max out you are more than welcome to.

  10. Why don't you want to take it over? I'm hurt.

  11. We can do it Price is Right style - you know the game where the contestant has to guess the right ones, then at the end contestant says:

    "Ladies, do I have at least 1 right?"
    "Ladies, do I have at least 2 right?"
    And so on... until we learn they've got the answers all correct or screwed up.

  12. Wow Max your rubbish!

    ahaha :)

  13. Max - I don't want to take it over, due the card dropping as well, my inablity to be as witty as you.

    Redbeard - you could be on to something... perhaps that will be round 2.

  14. Rubbish, huh? I knew you were the one who bites her toenails. I was just trying to be polite.

  15. A joke, Claire. I don't have a clue who bites their nails. :)

    On another subject. Jello? I will call it Jam if you participate. Actually I just need a couple pictures of your face grimacing like you are choking someone. Chica and photoshop will do the rest.

    Think about it?

  16. There no comment thing was a clue.

    I have lots of photos of me choking someone.......

  17. Jello is jelly, jelly is jam by the way.

  18. Max, regarding the "Britishspeak", I did a study on the word twat for last night's post as a response to another Brit friend, as she requested. Thought you might be interested when you have a moment.

  19. Gosh, max is back not even a day, and the conversation has already turned to twat.

  20. I just tried to bite my toenails but I'm not flexible enough, nice guess though.

  21. Ok its my turn to play Eva Menendez!! I would do her.

  22. And I think you cheated. My blog in no insinuates I am a pothead or drunk.... hey wait a minute... you are calling me old aren't you???

  23. umm... and I can bite my toenails... eewwwww.....

  24. What's so wrong with toenails? I am sure they taste nice if I ever actually tried to do that.

  25. I say if max can't get these right, he must be a guest blogger on our blogs, however, he must maintain the integrity of that blog!

  26. Oh noes I have seen his doodles, but some of his photographs arent half bad.

  27. Debbie? Are you feeling all right? NO WAY is Max going to be a guest blogger on my blog. Never. Do you really think he knows what "maintaining the integrity" means? Think of the havoc he could cause!

  28. So..the answers from the ladies are going to be given when..?

  29. Only one of those facts is from/about me.

    There you go, that was a clue!

  30. @a.

    we can ask him to write the blog, we don't have to post it. I used to have my students write essays on appropriate behavior, then ask them to tear them up when they were finished. It usually kept them from repeating the initial offense. Of course I also told them first day of class that I majored in mean and minored in ugly, so get used to it now!

    Has max given up on this quiz?


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