Subject: Found a moth in my stool.
Category: Entertainment & Pop Culture
26 minutes ago Dennis "are you not entertained?" A. says: It was the size of a quarter - Is it time to call a doctor?
It kinda freaked me out....i started thinking about 80s horror movies where insects would take over people's bodies.
25 minutes ago Tony "Get me off this crazy thing!" A. says: wow, I never look close enough to see what's in my stool.... nor have a desire to look :)
24 minutes ago Kim W. says: what did it taste like? I find that the corn often has a nice nutty flavor.
23 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: Did your sh*t come out like dust?
21 minutes ago Marie "knit master" K. says: I only clicked on this thread because I thought, "Maybe Dennis made a type-o like the way he misspelled 'mout.'"
21 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: Does anyone make moth ball suppositories?
20 minutes ago Kim W. says: Think hard. Were you eating light bulbs last night?
20 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: Does it smell like grandma's house?
20 minutes ago K "X" O. says: I'm pretty sure it couldn't survive in your body. Now worms....that's another story *shivers*
19 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: This thread makes me want to put on some coveralls, sit in a rocker on the porch, and watch Dennis sh*t near a bug zapper.
19 minutes ago steven r. says: What did the moth say to Dennis? Made you look!
19 minutes ago Dennis "are you not entertained?" A. says: I tried to come up with a scenario, but cannot - for the life of me - figure out how a quarter sized moth could end up....there....
18 minutes ago Mike Z. says: If you eat a lot of cheese and don't shit for a few days, you might find caterpillars in your stool. How awesome would that be?
18 minutes ago Christina "get your dick out of your heart" S. says: Does it smell like the bus going through chinatown?
18 minutes ago Alice A. says: Call CDC. It probably laid its clutch of eggs inside of you before it succumbed.
18 minutes ago Miles "Farmer Ted" F. says: Oh crap, is it a death's head moth?
15 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: Could you go back and sh*t a couple more times? I need an Elephant Beetle and a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach for my entomology class.
14 minutes ago Alexandra "the Tsaritsa-- Get thee to a nunnery!" N. says: Dennis "are you not entertained?" A. says: Maybe it flew into the crap after you had expelled it? They do turn to dust when you touch them, I always have moths in my apartment.
11 minutes ago Mike Z. says: Have you checked the poop report? http://www.poopreport....
11 minutes ago Dennis "are you not entertained?" A. says: Sasha - i hope that's what happened. Ether that, or it sought sanctuary in between my cheeks moments before.....
10 minutes ago Kelly G. says: This is the grossest thread I have ever read. That being said, DENNIS..STOP TRIPPIN'. You swallowed a moth during sleep most likely. We all consume a certain number of bugs each year, mostly when we are asleep.
8 minutes ago Mike Z. says: If it exists there's a website for it.
7 minutes ago Tsada K. says: Fishbits says we swallow 2-3 spiders per year.
6 minutes ago Alexandra "the Tsaritsa-- Get thee to a nunnery!" N. says: There was a spider crawling in my bed last night and I just flicked it away, but it makes you wonder how many insects use your body as their wonderland...
5 minutes ago steven r. says: I can top that. Found a butterfly in mine.
4 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: How would said moth survive the enzymes en route to the stomach where hydrochloric acid awaits? Accept the fact that Dennis has a magician's ass. Sheesh!
3 minutes ago Pablo "Tr0oGl0dite" D. says: Moths and flies carry tape worms. Yeah, That's not a rubber band.
3 minutes ago Frank "The Time Traveling Rabbit" Z. says: Dennis, could you sh*t me some chicken and waffles? I'm hungry.
2 minutes ago Mike Z. says: I think it's been discredited, but I like the rumor that spiders drink the spittle from the corner of your mouth and the fluid from your eyes while you sleep.
1 minute ago Alexandra "the Tsaritsa-- Get thee to a nunnery!" N. says: Mike, don't forget about the Snapple bottle cap fact that we eat 8 spiders per year! High in protein!
Note: Post-heading picture of Al Gore claimed as Fair Use
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