Saturday, December 10, 2011

Truth is in the eye

Propaganda is a documentary made by my enemy.


  1. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  2. What is truth after all? I doubt whether there is such a thing a universal truth, just a series of points of view. Maybe his truth is as self deluded as "hers" [my turn to see a pattern] and a little communication could resolve the absolute positions. Enemies who never communicate will forever remain enemies. Your propaganda is no better than your enemy's.

  3. Would you buy a used car from that man? I think not. Examine the small print carefully.

  4. Why would Goebbels use 'her' rather than 'his?'

  5. I so would buy a used car from that man. Lets face it, the cars he used were magnificent, whatever else we may think about the nazis, they presided over an era where in design and technology, Germany led the world.

    I could probably get a Horch or a huge open mercedes tourerat a good price if I just pretended to listen to him ranting for a while.

  6. Tentatively popping my head around the door to ask if the landlady is around, and is she going to do anything about these meetings of misogynist minds? If not, there will be precious little Slap & Tickle going on.

  7. Godammit, don't tell me this vile blog is still being published.

  8. Damn you Blogger sign in crap and the horse you rode in on.

  9. @Soubriquet - There'll be no talk of sauce here, please. Just take your proper gander and try to read between the lines.

    @A. - Truth is what you read on my blogs, the opposite of what you read on Grit and dullamite blogs. I would buy a used car from him. I would not star in one of his movies.

    @Adullamite - He always used her.

    @Sooubriquet - That's Horchit and you know it.

    @Plenty of slap and tickle going on in the wine cellar.

    @Jimmy - Bite me padre.

  10. Frequently in this blogger town I find truth can only be found reading between the lines or under the lines regardless of where you are.

  11. Indeed, sometimes merely removing the "n" from the line is helpful.

  12. Lighten up. A few of us are trying to watch the floor show.


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