Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Losing an old friend

In other news, the French government has been quietly dismantling the Eiffel Tower to make room for the staging for a Lady Ga Ga concert.

When interviewed, young fans were not sure why the tower was there in the first place.


  1. Stop fussing. It's a giant erector-set, after all, and once Gaga's gone, they can build something else that's really cool.
    Only the dorkykid would only ever build one thing out of the set and then leave it up for a hundred years.

    Besides, a rusty old landmarks no match for a true 21st century renaissance woman.

    Agh! I went a bit too far there, didn't I? I'm feeling a bit nauseous. Quick, put on some soothing seventies rock....

    There now. I'm better. I see there's a bribery scandal about the contract for flattening the top of the great pyramid of cheops for the Miley Cyrus stage. I think there were non-union nicaraguans on the lighting crew.

  2. Lady Ga Ga cancelled after they went to all that trouble. ;(

    Something about a French fuel shortage.

    How unfair to be deprived of Ga Ga music.


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