Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thank you Max

Well I left the pub in what I thought were the capable paws of Max... however... although he hasn’t ran the pub totally into the ground the recent posts have left me a little disappointed… but maybe that was he plan to lure me back.

So here I am… let the frivolity begin.

In all seriousness, I am glad Max has kept this blog alive, I took a break from the blogging world as I focused on other parts of my life… mainly learning how to drive and moving house, I also changed jobs a couple of times last year… but maybe now I am ready to return.

I’ll be back here to pour pints and maybe write the occasional post.


  1. I see. Well, it's about time we got some improved service around here! Pour away. :)

  2. Actually, I just assumed you were in prison. Sorry.

  3. Oh you found out... that was supposed to be a secret...


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