Oh, that terribly clever British humor! So meaningless in the U.S., so provocative among(st) the Eton chaps. This one was constructed by Prince Harry, A.'s current RF idol.
It is all I can manage to post this filth. And then only for research purposes. ::Blush::
Erm Max, I am half tempted to ask how you find these things? But I am not sure I want to know about the key words you seach upon.
ReplyDeleteThe Fanny referred to in the ad is of course Fanny Craddock, /the/ original TV cook in Britain.
ReplyDeleteHer husband was called Johnny. There was plenty of scope for sauce, and I don't just mean on the food. (Actually, there probably wasn't much sauce on the food, it was back in the days when the whole of Britain lived on tripe.)
Caroline -it is just a natural gift, I guess. Btw, Tom says he feels very naked.
ReplyDeleteCathering- No offense, but are you on crack right now?
Yes. Cathering. I will now call you Cathering. Stupid keyboard.
ReplyDeleteblame it on the keyboard... how typical!
ReplyDeleteAs for Tom - well, I don't know what to say about that actually.
Caroline, yeah. Tom is really blushing right now. Max shouldn't have said that. But I think Tom is faking, and that sometimes he talks like that, and eve worse, I'll bet, when he is alone with someone. That is just Max's opinion, though. What do YOU think? Is he faking his modesty? Probably not. He is probably just a dud in private, just like in public. No wonder he needs Max. Har!
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here laughing behind my desk. And seemingly my brain is dead today as I have nothing smart, or even close to smart to say.
ReplyDeleteCaroline, that's ok. You don't have to be witty or clever. Just tell Maxy your opinion. Max says Tom is too much of a wus to do that. I'll bet he is afraid of girls when you come right down to it. At least Max has the guts to TALK to them. What a loser, huh?
ReplyDelete(Are you feeling confused yet Caz? I'll bet your head is spinning. C'mon, you can sort this out. :)
I don't think I am confused, but that doesn't mean much. There are times when I truely think I know what is going on, only to find out not only am I on the wrong track, but I am heading in completely the opposite direction.
ReplyDeleteOh well, such is life.
As for Tom, I don't think he is a wuss at all.
Caroline, you are not on the wrong track. I have always understood you. And I'm pretty sure you are understanding Max and even OLD Tom, probably.So hang in there. And stop laughing behind your desk. Get some work done! :)
ReplyDelete(that's the best I could come up with )
You called, Tom?
ReplyDeleteHi Tanisha. Yeah, I have one more job for you before you die tonight. I need you to infiltrate a new blog that is scamming me. Find out who the hell they are and what their game is. Same ol' Same ol'. Don't make any comments, just get info. Here is the URL. Try and get what I need by tonight.
ReplyDeleteIs someone having an identity crisis?
ReplyDeleteHi C. Tom really does need to send sister Tanisha out on one last mission tonight. We have a bogy blog that needs to be identified, but not by Max. They already know Max.
ReplyDeleteIs Lolly up for an assignment if Tom needs her tonight?
ReplyDeleteCaroline, yourare a hopeless total nut case. Why do I bother with you?
ReplyDeleteNever mind. I know why. :)
talk about being suggestive......
ReplyDeleteMax.... Tom needs to sack up.... Caroline, Tom AND Max were both hitting on you I think.... and why do I feel like I am watching a really bad episode of Dr. Phil?? Oh wait.... all Dr. Phil's episodes are really bad...... I'm so confused.
Petra. I really like you babe. I have for a long time. I have just been chained up. I was thinking, since I'm gonna die tonight anyway, how about I come over to your blog tonight and we can get down. What do you say? I love Yellowtail too. :)
ReplyDeleteNo Max, you haven't got it right, nor understood the full extent of my admiration, indeed adulation. Constructing that poster would have required some intelligence. I think you're trying to provoke me. Now why is that?
ReplyDeletea. - provoke you? Never! But wait until you see the special project I am working on for you. You will love it! :)