Sunday, November 25, 2012

Electoral map


  1. Replies
    1. Good question. I'll forward it on to the cartoonist. :) Well, I don't know for sure, Lee, except I think those were the states that were too close to call on early election night and were the "swing" states or "battleground" states they both needed to win. They appear to be sized in the cartoon in proportion to how important they were to the candidates. Obama took them all, as I recall.

      The map seemed a bit sarcastic to me, so of course I stole it and ran it on the blog. :) It you have a better explanation, please share with me.

  2. I have no explanation to offer. I wouldn't know where to begin! ;) The US voting methods bamboozle me at the best (and worst) of times. They are so convoluted compared to ours down this way.

    Ours is very cut and dried...very "black and white" voting is compulsory here in the Land of Oz. And I believe this is a good thing...that voting is mandatory, that is. I've always been a believer that one has no right to whinge and complain if they've not cast their vote. Voting is our democratic right and one I enjoy utilising. That doesn't mean I'm always happy with the performances of those I've voted for...or those I've not voted for, for that matter! ;)

    And here in Aus, the blue is the colour of our Liberal Party (our Liberal Party is akin to your Republican Party) and the Red is the colour of our Labor Party, your Democrat equivalent.

    Actually, I'm "over" the lot of them...I think I'm politicked out!! They're all as bad as each other! ;)

    1. Do they put you in prison if you don't vote? :)

  3. Nah....they just ask you for the reason why you didn't vote...and if they're unhappy with your excuse you're fined $50.00 or a $100.00; something like that; nothing too jail!

    1. P.S......they prefer the money to jail, naturally! ;)


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